Some Important Information:
● All school supplies are provided for students in grades TK - 5
● Free breakfast and lunch will be provided for all students TK - 5, if your child prefers food
from home you can pack a snack and lunch
● Students are encouraged to bring a backpack but it is not required
School Attendance:
Our expectation is that your child arrives at school by 7:55 a.m. every day so they are ready to
begin their day on time. A two-minute warning bell will ring at 7:58 followed by the starting bell at
8:00 am. Students arriving after 8:00 am will be marked late. If your child arrives to school
after 8:00 am, they will need to enter the front office for a late slip. Students who are late will not
be allowed into class without a late slip. Students should only be absent for valid reasons.
Please call the school attendance line at (408) 874-3104 and leave a message in English or
Dress Code:
All clothing must be appropriate.
Students may NOT wear
● inappropriate/negative pictures, phrases, or sayings on t-shirts
● flip-flops, slippers, heelies, high heel shoes
Student shirts MUST
● the bottom of the shirt hem must touch the top of their pants (no midriff showing)
Not abiding by our dress code policy may result in the student having to call home for a change
of clothes or wearing a t-shirt that is provided by our office staf