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Measure U

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Background: The Moreland School District (MSD) has been a caring, learning environment of students, parents, staff, and community members since 1851. Moreland serves Preschool through 8th grade students across three cities in Santa Clara County. Our teachers educate approximately 4,000 students in four elementary schools, two TK-8 schools, and one middle school. Our students are celebrated for their uniqueness and the talents they contribute to our community. Exceptional teachers, small class sizes, challenging instructional programs, dedicated parent volunteers, and outstanding science and art curricula have prepared generations of local children to succeed in high school, college, and careers. Our goal is to continue that proud tradition. However, due to the fact that the level of school funding provided by the state of California is one of the lowest in the nation, and the expiration of our existing community-supported parcel tax, District leaders voted to place a parcel tax renewal measure (without increasing the tax rate) on the November 5, 2024 ballot. It simply extends, without increasing, the existing measure for 8 years. We continue to need local funding to fill in the gap and to ensure we maintain our excellent school programs.
Measure U Defined: Measure U is a local annual parcel tax measure on the November 5, 2024 ballot which would renew Measure G with no increase, for $142 per/parcel, for 8 years. Measure U funding will be used to support grades Pre-Kindergarten to 8th-grade students by attracting and retaining quality teachers, strengthening strong reading along with math and science instruction, maintaining music and art programs, keeping school libraries open, class sizes small and campuses clean and safe. Measure U requires 66.7% support to pass. A “YES vote” approves funding for the District’s plan; a “NO vote” rejects the plan. All Moreland School District voters registered by October 21, 2024 will be eligible to participate in the election on Measure U.
Measure U Ballot Question:
“To renew expiring funding for neighborhood elementary and middle schools without increasing tax rates; maintain quality education by attracting and retaining highly qualified teachers; strengthening reading, math, arts, and science programs; and keeping school libraries open, shall Moreland School District’s measure be adopted, renewing its expiring $142 annual parcel tax, without increase, providing $1,500,000 annually for 8 years, that cannot be taken by the State, exempting seniors, with independent oversight, and no funds for administrator salaries?”
Measure U Summary – Proceeds from Measure U may be used to:
 Strengthen reading, math and science programs
 Provide innovative programs in science, technology, engineering, and math
 Attract and retain highly qualified teachers
 Support learning tools and technology
 Maintain strong art and music programs
 Make teacher salaries more competitive with surrounding districts
 Keep school libraries open AND more…
Taxpayer Protections:
● By law, all funds from Measure U must stay local, dedicated to Moreland SD schools only.
● The State cannot take Measure U funding away.
● Measure U funding is only for school instructional and educational needs. No funds are allowed for administrators' salaries or pensions.
● Independent Citizens' Oversight and mandatory audits will ensure Measure U funds are spent properly.
● An exemption from the tax is available for senior property owners 65 years and older.

For more information, visit our website at: OR contact Clover Codd, Ed.D., Superintendent, by phone (408) 874-2901 or email: [email protected].
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is Measure U?
Measure U is a local annual parcel tax measure on the November 5, 2024 ballot which would renew Measure G with no increase, for $142 per/parcel, for 8 years. Measure U funding will be used to support grades Pre-Kindergarten to 8th-grade students by attracting and retaining quality teachers, strengthening strong reading along with math and science instruction, maintaining music and art programs, keeping school libraries open, class sizes small and campuses clean and safe. Measure U requires 66.7% support to pass. A “YES vote” approves funding for the District’s plan; a “NO vote” rejects the plan. All Moreland School District voters registered by October 21, 2024 will be eligible to participate in the election on Measure U.

Why has the Moreland School District (MSD) placed Measure U on the ballot?
The Moreland School District (MSD) has been a caring, learning environment of students, parents, staff, and community members since 1851. Moreland serves Preschool through 8th-grade students across three cities in Santa Clara County. Our teachers educate approximately 4,000 students in four elementary schools, two TK-8 schools, and one middle school. Our students are celebrated for their uniqueness and the talents they contribute to our community. Exceptional teachers, small class sizes, challenging instructional programs, dedicated parent volunteers, and outstanding science and art curricula have prepared generations of local children to succeed in high school, college, and careers. Our goal is to continue that proud tradition.  However, due to the fact that the level of school funding provided by the state of California is one of the lowest in the nation, and the expiration of our existing community-supported parcel tax, District leaders voted to place a parcel tax renewal measure (without increasing the tax rate) on the November 5, 2024 ballot. It simply extends, without increasing, the existing measure for 8 years. We continue to need local funding to fill in the gap and to ensure we maintain our excellent school programs.
What is the actual question that voters will be asked to decide in November?
“To renew expiring funding for neighborhood elementary and middle schools without increasing tax rates; maintain quality education by attracting and retaining highly qualified teachers; strengthening reading, math, arts, and science programs; and keeping school libraries open, shall Moreland School District’s measure be adopted, renewing its expiring $142 annual parcel tax, without increase, providing $1,500,000 annually for 8 years, that cannot be taken by the State, exempting seniors, with independent oversight, and no funds for administrator salaries?”
How will proceeds from Measure U be used?
 Strengthen reading, math and science programs
 Provide innovative programs in science, technology, engineering, and math
 Attract and retain highly qualified teachers
 Support learning tools and technology
 Maintain strong art and music programs
 Make teacher salaries more competitive with surrounding districts
 Keep school libraries open AND more…
How much will Measure U cost?
Measure U will not raise your tax rate. It simply extends, without increasing, the parcel tax rate of $142 a year per parcel for 8 years to provide a stable, local source of funding for our Moreland schools that cannot be taken away by the state. Senior citizen homeowners 65 years or older are eligible for an exemption through a simple application process. To find out more about how to apply, please contact Debbi Lyon, Executive Assistant, Business Services at via email: [email protected] or by phone: 408-874-2921.
What will happen if Measure U does not pass?
If Measure U is not renewed, the Moreland School District budget will need to be cut by about $1.5 million. This will force all Moreland schools to make drastic cuts to academic programs, increase class sizes, and maintain only basics. MSD depends on local revenue to supplement limited State funding. Renewing Measure U won’t address all funding needs, but it will help retain exceptional teachers and protect core programs.
What about other funding?
Our school district makes every effort to use resources wisely. We have tightened our belt, improved efficiencies, and made cuts as far away from the classroom as possible. Additionally, we have conducted a full assessment of all local school instructional program needs, including the immediate focus to retain our best teachers and maintain our core academics for children in grades TK-8. The reality is that we need this funding. As a result, we are asking of our community to renew Measure U so that we can protect this critical local funding source and continue to provide the high quality of education offered in Moreland schools.
How does this potential funding attract and retain high-quality teachers?
We live in one of the most expensive places in the country, but our teachers are among the lowest paid in the area. We need this funding to ensure we’re able to attract and retain highly qualified teachers and keep them from leaving for higher-paying districts.
How will this effort improve instruction?
We strive for teaching and learning excellence in every educational setting. Our goal is to provide all our kids with access to the relevant education and technologies they will need to be successful in high school, college, and good-paying jobs of the future. High-quality teachers, strong core educational programs, functional libraries, and small class sizes are essential to student achievement.  Improved programs will provide a solid foundation that benefits both teaching and learning.
What about the Lottery? Wasn’t the Lottery supposed to fix our schools?
The funding our school District receives from the Lottery each year comprises less than 2% of our annual General Fund Budget. Thus, Lottery funds alone are simply not enough to fund the programs that our schools and students need.
How do I know the money will be spent properly?
If Measure U is renewed by voters, it will continue to REQUIRE strict taxpayer protections. All funds raised stay local to support MSD instructional programs and cannot be taken by the State or spent on administrator salaries. Independent citizen oversight and annual audits ensure the funds are used as promised.
Will businesses share in the cost of the tax?
Yes, both commercial and residential property owners will be subject to the same flat rate per parcel.
No one in my household attends Moreland School District schools. Why should I pay attention to this process?
Good schools are the foundation of any healthy, thriving community. Good schools protect property values and keep our neighborhoods strong. Educating our children builds lifelong skills, encourages volunteerism, and provides a talented, educated workforce from which we all benefit.
I am a senior citizen; do I have to pay the tax?
Senior citizen homeowners 65 years or older will continue to be eligible for an exemption through a simple application process. We do not want this measure to become a burden to those living on a fixed income. To find out more about how to apply, please contact please contact Debbi Lyon, Executive Assistant, Business Services at [email protected] or by phone: 408-874-2921.
Have there been other Moreland funding measures?    
Our school district has strived to be a model of financial responsibility, making every effort to spend taxpayer dollars wisely. We appreciate the generous support from our community. The level of school funding provided by the state of California is one of the lowest in the nation. We rely on local funding to fill in the gap. Fortunately, local voters have generously supported MSD with school funding measures, voting to pass Measure G, a parcel tax, in 2016 and Measure M, a school facilities bond, in 2020 to protect and maintain the local quality of education.
Who makes the final decision on a local school parcel tax measure?
The locally elected Moreland School District Board of Trustees is the legal entity that must take action to call for an election. Taking such an action would then put the question to local voters to decide. Ultimately, MSD REGISTERED VOTERS would have the final say when they vote for or against the measure.
Who would be eligible to vote on a local school parcel tax measure?
All registered voters within the Moreland School District would be eligible to vote on such a measure.  What is the difference between a school bond measure and a parcel tax? A parcel tax is a flat assessment on each parcel of land. Unlike school bond measures, which can only be used to fund school facility improvements, parcel tax revenues can be used to fund programs and services. School districts use parcel tax revenues to preserve, restore or enhance instructional programs. A parcel tax measure requires approval by two-thirds (66.7%) of registered voters who vote on the parcel tax measure. A Proposition 39 school bond only required 55% to pass. No revenue generated by a local parcel tax can be taken away by the State. All parcel tax revenue stays local to benefit local Moreland schools and students.
Where can I go for more information?
For more information, visit our website OR contact: Clover Codd, Ed.D., Superintendent, by phone (408) 874-2901 or email [email protected].